Creeds and Scripture Scales

Creeds and Scripture Scales
Brand: Heritage of Truth Books
Product Code: 1329CS-PT620
Series: The Works of John Fletcher
Author: John Fletcher, ed. J. L. Wallace
Availability: In Stock
Price: $21.95
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The Works of John Fletcher Volume II.

In this second volume of John Fletcher’s Works, he continues his assault on the perversions of Calvinism and its insubstantial misrepresentation of those they label Arminians and Pelagians. An examination of established creeds, both false and genuine, becomes necessary in any serious debate of the issue and his exhibition and comparison of Scripture with Scripture set forth in parallel scales, brings truth to the forefront when the false way of Reformed Theology would just as well keep it obscured. Fletcher’s genius is embedded in his genial comportment with the principles and precepts of the Scriptures. With such a grasp on Biblical injunctions of inward piety and superficies coupled with the necessity of proper hermeneutic, Fletcher belies the tendency of Calvinism’s undermining of spiritual nutrition inherent in the Word of God. Never has there been a time of greater need for dogmatic insistence on the veracious handling of the Scriptures than now. With men waxing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, the importance of clinging to proper doctrine is essential. Hence, Apprehending Truth Publishers presents for your consideration, The Works of John Fletcher, Volume 2: Creeds and Scripture Scales.

Product Info
ISBN 978-0615813370
Format: Paperback
Pages 454
Year 2013
Series: The Works of John Fletcher
Volume: 2
Product Details
Author: John Fletcher
Publisher: Heritage of Truth Books
ISBN-10 / ISBN-13: 0615813372 / 978-0615813370
Product Size: 1 x 5.9 x 8.9 inches
Ship Wt.: 1.7 pounds

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